Polarity ~ 11 June 2012

Last week on the day of the Venus transit Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker survived a recall vote. At virtually the same time, the United States Senate, led by those mounting a “war on women” shut down the Paycheck Fairness Act that would have permitted extra assurances that women receive equal compensation in the work force. And now the fun begins. Regardless of which side of the issues you support, perhaps consider the alternate point of view long enough to see if there is a point to it. And expect that prominent figures in each camp will begin positioning and declaring of divinely guided doctrines during in the next transit window - one of polarization.

Happy Jupiter in Gemini. With manifestations ranging from the ability to see both sides of an issue, to speaking out of both sides of the mouth, to duplicitous realizations, to comprehending paradox theory, to thinking/speaking everything into a needle in a haystack, to potential chicanery, the grand and glorious Jupiter has begun his transit of the twins. It is the time to reveal the full extent of polarity, from its high side of objective understanding and clear communication to its low side of hypocrisy and bigotry.

To honor Jupiter in Gemini, I just took a moment to read an online article (Forbes.com) entitled: “The Most Annoying, Pretentious And Useless Business Jargon.” This article was touted online as a must read in the hours just preceding Jupiter’s jump into Gemini. These are the things that keep astrologers in good humor... or at least laughing out loud a lot.

What we need as an assist in sorting the theme of polarity is a good strong opposition out there. Ah ha! There is one, but it is fated to be ignored by many because of the misconception that Eris is not a planet (and ironically by those who adamantly contend Pluto remains a planet). The potent and not to be slighted, goddess of discord, Eris, waits for Saturn to come back to his station on the 25th of June, in virtual opposition with her. This way they can play with greater intensity. Let us not forget that the Occupy movement - the 1% vs. the excluded 99%, a perfect manifestation of Erissian energy - commenced during last year’s Saturn opposition to Eris.

From now until the election in November, the fight in United States based political arenas is on and in a more gladiatorial way than ever seen before. The advertisements, courtesy of the funding allowed by the “corporations are people” Supreme Court ruling that allows undisclosed funds of any amount to be funneled into political campaigns overtly or covertly, reach into unknown dimensions of prevarication and deceit. As I watch the accounting of dollars spent on these campaigns, mostly by those with special interests, I cannot help but wonder how many hungry mouths could have been fed.

The economic crisis, according to Eris opposing Saturn, cannot be resolved until the needs of the forsaken, forgotten and ignored are included in plans for economic recovery. There can be no disenfranchised sector of humankind under this transit if positive movement forward is sought. I contend, whether it looks like it or not, the results of the Venus transit and through the Eris and Saturn pairing on Dancing With the Stars, the Universe seeks equilibrium and balance. As well, Saturn in Libra rules of fairness and equity. Lest we forget, Jupiter once summoned Eris to assist in reversing the order of the stars for just one day such that a political wrong could be righted. Evidently though, with many not willing to see the other side of the coins they covet, the process might take a while.

Not to worry. Individuals can do their part. The more folks we find getting it and getting on with it - “it” being enacting evolving efforts on and for Earth and its inhabitants - the faster things come around. Eris makes her most-distant retreat from the Sun in Aries, the sign in which she currently travels. According to Eris, it’s cool to invoke your cause as a centrally important one, especially if others can learn from your example. Saturn holds a Cancerian double dip when it comes to his orbit. His node and closest contact to the Sun both appear in Cancer. Says Saturn, “In the event of a pressure loss, please put on your own oxygen mask first before attempting to aid others.” Such an appropriate image to add to Eris in Aries and the “take care of number one first” doctrine.

Funny, as I’m writing this, I just received an e-mail from a company wanting to work with me to find buyers for my online business for a gouging brokerage fee. Wow! I bet I could get enough for my business to take care of my needs for six life times. Should I? Nah. I wrote back and asked them to cease sending Plutocratic nonsense.

So, an individual can:

Find a perfect personal fit with activities, organizations and people.

Resist the collective pressure for complacent conformity.

Be smarter than those scheming you into their profit margins, using the lure of status, acceptability and being cool. This aspect promises the awareness to those tuning in that being cool might cause your individuality and uniqueness to put on ice.

Perform only acts that feed your soul.

Adjust your work to be something that fits your spirit and directs your dharma with precise, pointed vectors.

Should you seek to include Chiron, Neptune and dwarf planet 225088 and their Pisces placements into the mix, keep Jupiter in mind. Over the next weeks, Jupiter in Gemini squares each of these bodies. Try to keep in mind that the folks that believe differently than you - misguided as they are - actually have been convinced of the doctrines they claim. Accept that they actually believe as they do. The effort to change the mind of another can only succeed in these times by first asking how they would feel if they were on the opposite side of the tracks of the position they maintain. Work to create empathy and if you’re really on a roll, perhaps compassion can enter the word mix. Arguing the wrongness of the beliefs of another or throwing their blatant hypocrisy in their face is akin to attempting to attract bears with vinegar.

So, as we enter a new theme of opportunistic outreach, stay current with the trends. Remain aware. Pick your positions well and declare them succinctly. If those around you become polarized with respect to your positions, respectfully retreat into safe spaces and with kindred spirits. Avoid forcing fits and the urge to oversell doctrines.

Finally, remember that ingenuity might take just a little while to be recognized for its merit.

Next week, we’ll look into Jupiter making contact to some groovy cool black holes working to sort ideas, concepts and brainstorms into workable “things” in the real world.